Corn Starch
Organic matter in the shape of granules that is found in special corpuscles within the protoplasm of plant cells in a maturing stage.
Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco. Preferentemente en heladera. Una vez abierto el envase tenga la precaución de cerrar nuevamente la bolsa. Si saca el producto del envase y lo pasa a otro recipiente recuerde rotularlo con numero de lote, fecha de elaboración y mantener herméticamente cerrado.
Shelf Life:
24 months, as long as storing conditions are followed.
Intended Use:
Uso Alimenticio consumo alimenticio, previa cocción: someter a cocción dentro de un medio líquido, por ejemplo agua, caldos, sopas, etc. Puede formar parte de preparaciones de mayor consistencia (hamburguesas, rellenos etc.).
Vulnerable Groups:
People with food allergies or sensitivities: Allergic to peanuts, sulphites and milk and soybean derivatives.
Suitable for vegetarians, vegans and non-vegetarians. Product with Kosher Certification. Product with a certificate from the Professional Association for Food and Health (APSAL by its acronym in Spanish) Gluten Free Product.
15 x 200 g /10 x 500 g / 25 kg bag.
Nutrition Facts