Legal Notice

This page shows the legal instructions that apply to all the Internet users who visit our website, By visiting the site, you agree to abide by these instructions without any exception.

On this site there is a series of informative contents about recipes. Its main objective is to provide customers and the general public with information about the company and the products and services we offer.


Privacy Policy


In general terms, the user can navigate through the web site without providing EGRAN | Molino Passerini S.A.I.C. (from now on, Egran) with your personal data.

EGRAN will not disclose to third parties any personal data you may submit via email. This information will be used for the sole purpose of managing the services we offer, attending the requests you may make, carrying out administrative tasks and sending technical, commercial or advertising information by ordinary or electronic means.

Conforme a la Ley de Protección de Datos personales N° 25.3626, usted tiene derecho de acceso, rectificación, actualización y supresión de los datos, con sólo solicitarlo por correo electrónico a

Conditions of Use


The conditions of access and use of this website are ruled by the applicable law and good faith principle, where the user commits himself to make good use of the website. Unlawful conducts or conducts against the rights or interests of third parties are forbidden.

As a user of you agree to have read the present conditions and any other legal regulations applicable in this field. If for any reason you do not agree with these conditions, do not continue using this website.



EGRAN cannot be held responsible for the information and contents stored in social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish contents in an independent way within this website. However, EGRAN is committed to withdraw or even block contents that could violate or contravene national or international legislation, third party’s rights, morals and public order.

The company can neither accept responsibility for damages caused by errors nor wrong settings in the software set up on the user's computer. The company is excluded from any responsibility for technical incidents or any failure occurred when the user connects to Internet. Likewise, the company cannot guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors when accessing to the website.

Also, EGRAN reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information within this web site, as well as its configuration or presentation, at any time without being held responsible for it.

Any price shown in our website is considered to be indicative. Should the user want to know the exact price of any product or if such item has any kind of promotion, they can write to

Intellectual Property


The Site is owned and managed by EGRAN. All materials (including logos, product design, photographs and domain names) displayed on this site are protected by the applicable law on intellectual property and owned by EGRAN.

No material on this site can be copied, reproduced, modified, republished, uploaded, distorted, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, wholly or partly, without prior written consent of EGRAN, except in case of personal or print media use on condition that all property rights are respected.

EGRAN reserves the right to take legal action against any intellectual property rights infringement.

All information received on the web, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, will be considered given to EGRAN at no cost. Information that CANNOT be treated this way should not be sent.

All the products and services within these pages that are NOT owned by EGRAN are trademarks of their respective owners and are recognized as such by our company. They only appear on this site for promotional and information gathering purposes. These owners may request the modification or deletion of the information they own.

Cookies Policies


EGRAN on their own or a third party hired to provide measurement services, may use cookies when the user surfs the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser via a web service in order to record the user activities during their surfing time.

The cookies used are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide the user's personal data. Through the use of cookies it is possible that the server where the website is located recognizes the web browser used by the user in order to make surfing easier. Cookies are also used to measure audience and traffic parameters to control the process and number of entries.

The user has the ability to set up their browser to be warned of the receipt of cookies and to prevent them to be installed in their computer. For more information, please refer to your browser's instructions and manuals.

In order to use the website it is not necessary that the user or a third party on their behalf allows the installation of cookies sent to the website, notwithstanding that it is necessary that the user logs-on to each of the services which use requires prior registration.

In any case, cookies are temporary with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to gather personal information.



All designs and images are EGRAN’s intellectual property and in some cases they were created with resources obtained from Freepik and Unsplash.

Legal Framework


This website and its contents are ruled by the applicable of Argentina Republic. Any possible litigation related to the website or its content will be settled in Argentina.